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With no formal art training, Tony Sasso’s style blurs the lines between outsider and visionary, contemporary and folk. Using assorted media, he amplifies pieces in three dimensions, often fusing old with new, revealing innate impulses—sometimes dark and sometimes bright. The work is intended to be viewed from different angles: physical, emotional, intellectual.

Tony Sasso sailed the world as a merchant seafarer, held municipal and state elected office, worked as an international labor activist and is an environmental advocate and surfer. In 2006, he organized Art of Surf Culture at The Brevard Museum of Art (now the Foosaner Art Museum), to this date the best attended exhibit of the museum. He is a former board member of the Brevard Cultural Alliance, former director of Florida Surf Museum and co-founder and current director of The Studios of Cocoa Beach, a non-profit art co-op featuring 35 artists. Though he has been producing art for 50 years, he only recently opened his work for public view and sale. His first formal showing and sale were in 2016 in Key West. Since then, Tony has exhibited and sold his work at the Clio Art Fair in New York City, Orchard Galerie (NYC) and Allesandro Berni Gallery (New York, Roma, online).